Thursday, February 4, 2010

February Words to study!

My computer is misbehaving so Im just getting February words up they are:Love (of course!) and Trust.
Be Blessed!! Jolena


The Hebrew word for wisdom is "hokmah" which means "skill for living." Using wisdom is applying what you know to your life. We want to draw on Gods wisdom found in the scriptures and apply it to our every day! To do this we must study the word daily. God told Joshua in (Joshua 1:8) to study the book of the law continually, to meditate(or think about ) on it day and night and to obey all that is written in it, only then would he succeed. I love this verse.
James 1:5 says But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. I'm thankful for that verse and I find myself asking God for wisdom very often! I need wisdom in every area of my life!! God will give us inside information! We have wisdom and insight from God, He will lead us and guide us and help us make wise choices! Just ask Him!